JEB : An Overview
Jeb, also known as ‘Jeb T Sausagefeak’ and ‘Jeb T Freak’, is an animated character created in 2005 by writer and director Nick Forshaw.
He originally appeared in a short film entitled "Jeb's Jobs : Technical Support" which was produced as an entry for the BBC's 'New Talent' competition. By the time the competition closed the movie had received 2 million views online; in 2005 this constituted a huge audience.
Jeb has now starred in more than sixty short films which have reached an audience in excess of 70 million people, won numerous awards and nominations and generated an enviable following on social media.
Jeb’s movies have performed consistently well with audiences and clearly indicate the potential for the property to succeed in longer form on a bigger stage. Metrics available through online distribution of the shorts reveal a market of enviable size and diversity.
Monthly figures show an average at peak of between four and five hundred thousand views per month (notably several UK broadcasters have admitted they’d kill for similar numbers!) and based on known activity it is possible to trace a minimum of 63 million views overall and an 82% approval rating.
The audience is concentrated in the 18 to 44 age range with significant activity either side, from 13 to 65+ according to stats. Unusually perhaps, the gender split is almost even.
The UK and US are approximately equal in terms of size of audience, jointly representing 50% of the total reach. South and Central America, parts of Asia, Russia and Australia form the largest parts of the remaining audience.
The Jeb movies have, to date, found this audience by word of mouth, which is perhaps the greatest recommendation.
In Development...
Barefoot Ape Ltd are developing a number of ambitious projects to feature Jeb and a cast of established and brand new supporting characters. We are working with partners in both television and the film industry and hope to release details soon.